There are two types of acne headaches, and I’m going to give you my favorite products to fight and remedy both.
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SOS this zit is KILLING MY VIBES. a zit, or multiple zits, pop up right before an event. They’re painful, ugly and you’re DYING to pick them.
——–>solution: Stop pinching, start dabbing. Use Eradikate by Kate Sommerville on the affected area and watch those suckers dry up in no time. I recommend starting this treatment with only 1x per day and working up from there so that it doesn’t cause any unwanted peeling or flaking of dry skin.
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Boohoo, you get a zit now and again – I’ve been SUFFERING with acne for YEARS. Maybe it’s cystic, maybe it’s just during your period, maybe you’re allergic to gluten but you keep eating it anyways and it shows up on your face… maybe it’s just genetics and you’ve tried literally everything.
——–>solution: but have you tried light therapy? Lightstim works to penetrate light therapy deep through the layers of your skin, pulling the bacteria to the surface. Start using the wand daily and see results within weeks. But beware that things will get worse before they get better. As the light cleans deep within your skin, expect the top layer of your skin to be a canvas for the detoxing process. Stick with it and make LED therapy part of your daily routine though, and you will be in the clear in notime.
Other tips:
1. Don’t be afraid of oils. I know you think your skin is already so oily and that’s why you’re constantly breaking out – but adding a high quality face oil under your face lotion can be extremely healing. Even using organic coconut oil can be great, since it has natural antibacterial qualities. I really like rosehip oil because it helps with acne scars and is very soothing:
2. Stop picking with your dirty hands. If you need to pick and squeeze, use one of these kits GENTLY. if something won’t budge, it’s not ready to come out yet, use the Eradikate until it drains easily with minimal pressure.
3. Add some namaste to your life. Less mental stress equates to less stressed skin. Practice sun saluations and meditation to declutter your mind, help you sleep better and keep your spirits lifted.
4. Working out is great for your endorphins, but not always amazing for your skin if you don’t take the proper precautions. Before the gym, apply a breathable serum + lotion. During your workout, do not touch your skin – not even with a towel. Post workout, stop roughly scraping your face with makeup wipes containing 101 chemicals.
5. Let me reiterate, stop with the makeup wipes.
6. Sleep on your back to let your face breath. And make sure your nighttime routine is habitual and thorough. Gentle wash with warm (not hot) water, pat dry, LED treatment, toner, serum, oil, nighttime face mask.
7. Let your makeup work for you. Think about picking up a salicylic acid bb cream as your daily coverage so it can fight acne as you cover it. Keep your makeup brushes well cleaned.. easy on the powders and bronzers.
8. Look out for sensitive skin, all natural products that alleviate redness… those will be the most gentle for your inflammed skin.
9. Check your diet and your health. Schedule an appointment with an allergen to see if you’re ingesting foods you’re sensitive to. Your skin is a window into your gut health. A lot of times it just takes a really great probiotic and some healthy lifestyle tweaks to see acne relief.
10. Your skin does not define you. You are a beautiful soul, let yourself glow from the inside out. xo
Do you have any acne or zit fighting solutions that worked for you? Leave a comment or send me a message and I’ll add them to the blog!