Coachella weekend is absolutely magical. But only in so far as you plan it right. I’ve just now come out of the coachella-coma and feel ready to really digest the whirlwind festival.
Lets start from the beginning, shall we? Tickets sell out fast. if you’re going for the parties, get your tickets the first weekend. If you’re going to camp – well then it doesn’t quite matter much as the line up is exactly the same. Don’t panic if tickets sell out, there are desperate ticket holders trying to unload their tickets after the line-up is announced, then again closer to the event. VIP isn’t quite worth doubling the price in my eyes. Sure, there are fenced off areas closer to the stage and it’s easier for you to get alcohol and food, but with a little bit of patience (and pushing), general admission can come very close to giving you the same experience.
This can be overwhelming. Especially for the fashionably conscious, but don’t fret. Truth is, you’ll probably only look cute for an hour before you’re covered in the dust and filth sticking to your sweat. This is a boho-friendly, hippie-inspired festival. Looking unkept is, well, encouraged. These things however, are MUSTS when packing:
-closed toe ankle boots
-distressed high waisted jean shorts & vintage tanks
-heavy sweaters and jackets
-bathing suit
-face/baby wipes
-ATM card
-cross shoulder bag or backpack
-extra contacts/contact solution
-long pants/skirt
-hairbrush & leave in conditioner
On the packing note, I will be posting my fashion do’s and donts for Coachella soon, so stay tuned
As a recent festival chaser, I can say I was pleasantly surprised by Coachella. Despite being owned by the conglomerate AEG, it still held the charm of an indie festival. The waters are only two dollars, there aren’t sponsors harassing you, and you can have three koji truck tacos and a beer for under 20 bucks. Plus they give the option of camping. In comparison to Insomniac events, they really skimped on sound, lighting, and experience creating, but the layout and staging was definitely on par. This festival is a well oiled machine from check in to the ease of navigating the massive fair grounds.
If you are going just for the festival and staying at a house or hotel that’s a drive away, I would really study the lineup and make a priority list of acts. You’re not going to see it all, and there is by no means any rush to get to the festival early and stay until the very last set. it is three full days after all.
The cabs back and forth are expensive and sparing, and while some hotels have shuttles, the distance is to Palm Springs is too great to make multiple trips in a day. Parking is free, but the lots are enormous and confusing, so snap a photo of your cars location so you can find it again. And for God’s sake don’t drink and drive, there are cops littered everywhere.