In a cinematic landscape often saturated with familiar narratives, “Special Will,” the upcoming film by Chelsea Gilson, emerges as a beacon of inclusivity and authenticity. With a focus on portraying characters with Down syndrome and exploring the realities of battling cancer, Gilson’s film not only breaks new ground but also highlights the importance of representation and empathy in storytelling.
At the heart of “Special Will” is its titular character, portrayed with charm and depth by Will (played by Ethan Bichara), a young boy with Down syndrome navigating the challenges of adolescence. Through Will’s journey, the film offers a nuanced portrayal of life with a developmental disability, challenging stereotypes and fostering understanding. By placing a character with Down syndrome at the center of the narrative, “Special Will” celebrates diversity and invites audiences to embrace the beauty of difference.
Chelsea Gilson’s directorial vision shines through in her thoughtful and sensitive portrayal of Will’s experiences. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of her subject matter, Gilson brings empathy to every aspect of the film, ensuring that Will’s story is told with dignity and respect. From moments of joy and triumph to struggles and setbacks, “Special Will” offers a candid glimpse into the life of a young boy with Down syndrome and a parent who feels like she’s constantly failing him.
“Special Will” also delves into the realities of battling with a terminal cancer diagnosis, another aspect of the human experience often overlooked in mainstream media. Ray (played by Dennis Gilson) is a vietnam veteran who has all but given up on life. He’s spending his last bit toiling away in misery and self pity and taking out his frustrations on his only human contact, his hospice nurse Celeste (played by Chelsea Gilson). By weaving together these intersecting narratives, “Special Will” underscores the universal themes of courage, perseverance, and the power of friendship in times of adversity.
Central to the film’s message is the importance of representation and inclusion in storytelling. By featuring characters with Down syndrome and depicting individuals battling cancer, “Special Will” amplifies voices that are often marginalized or overlooked in mainstream media. Through authentic and empathetic storytelling, the film empowers viewers to see beyond disability and illness, recognizing the humanity and dignity of every individual.
“Special Will” is a Beaker Ice Studios production, written by Chelsea Gilson and co-created with Andrew Rogers and Gabe Simao. Find out more about “Special Will” on the imdb page
Festival updates will be posted on @chelseagilson + @beakericestudios instagram accounts as well.
Our intention is to raise funding for a feature film. Please reach out to if you are interested in collaborating on our endeavor.