Yacht Week Lessons Learned:
- Call your banks ahead of time and let them know you’ll be traveling abroad and not to deactivate your CCs
- Have an email chain prior to the trip to discuss initial shopping trip, sharing of clothes and other communal items like toothpaste, etc.
- Have a theme outfit – something silly and fun – and wait until the dinner at the long table (night three) with everyone to show up fashionably late.
- Plan on living like heathens. Yes, it is a luxury yacht trip – but it feels much more like camping in the woods. No AC, no adequate showers, no Greek hunks fanning you while feeding you grapes.
- You’ll be seeing the same hundred or so people every single night for 7 nights in a row. Keep this in mind when you feel like slapping …or smooching.. someone.
- Bring a back up camera battery
- A waterproof camera is a necessity.
- Embrace a week without your cell phone – don’t waste a single moment hunting down wifi.
- Keep lip gloss applied at all times – the official yacht week cameraman has no mercy.
- Stay up until sunrise.
And lastly, unglue the camera from your eye and take a mental snapshot. You are so lucky to be on this adventure of a lifetime in the most gorgeous waters on earth surrounded by likeminded adventurers – savor every single moment.