On an endless pursuit of optimal health, I find myself a regular in the vitamin aisle at Whole Foods scanning for sales. So it was no surprise when I picked up a packet of MacroLife Greens Superfood powder the other day after it had been marked down.
From the packaging, I expected the flavor to taste like grass. Or at the very least, grass being disguised with stevia. When I got home and emptied the nutrient dense packet into my almond milk, I was absolutely shocked by how delicious it tasted! I turned the sample over to double check I had read the ingredients correctly. How did they create a perfectly sweet flavor out of a bunch of vegetables and come up with a product containing only 2 grams of sugar per serving? I was so impressed by the flavor and ingredients, that I reached out to the company asking if I could review the entire line of their products. I honestly had felt like I hit upon a nutritional hidden gem and I needed to test my theory before sharing my discovery with the world! I feel compelled to tell you that I write quite a lot of reviews through travelingfig.com, and not once have I been the one who reaches out to ask if I can review a product! If that’s not a testament to my enthusiasm for MacroLife I don’t know what is!
So what exactly is Macrolife?
It is a nutrient rich superfood powder with probiotics, alkaline greens, 5+ servings of fruits and vegetables, digestive enzyme and fiber.
There are three flavors: Greens, Reds and Cocoa for Kids
Macro Greens:
The claims: Multi vitamin and multi mineral formula, supports a healthy immune system, brain, liver, kidney , endocrine, thyroid and healthy weight. Oh and it promotes gentle cleansing.
Flavor: sweet with a bit of tartness that can magically liven up the blandest of smoothies. Also pairs perfectly with a yogurt bowl, in a juice, with coconut or almond milk, baked into treats or rolled into energy balls, even… dare I say, mixed into sauces and dressings? I mean, who doesn’t want a bit of sweetness in their tomato sauce by adding an incredible line up of superfoods instead of sugar? Macrolife Greens could really do the trick without overpowering the flavor of whatever you’re concocting. Or what about in a good old fashion pb and j, or in your pancakes, or in your sangria… okay I’m getting off topic, but you get the idea. The flavor is just perfect. Sweet without being an overpowering flavor of stevia. For me, Macro Greens takes the guesswork out of sweeting a smoothie, my oatmeal or plain yogurt. And for that I am grateful!
MacroLife Reds:
The claims: Multi vitamin and multi mineral formula, probiotics, complete anti-aging antioxidant spectrum, cholesterol lowering potential, high ORAC source, 1 billion probiotics, perfect for post workout recovery.
Flavor: Crystal Lite, if Crystal Lite didn’t taste so fake. Same burst of sweetness that fills your mouth with flavor. A little Macro Reds goes a long way, in a good way. Just like with the Greens, it pairs perfectly with yogurt, acai bowls, smoothies, juices, baked into treats and with liquids. It was so easy finding creative ways to use my macro reds, but my favorite was in slow cooked oats with berries. Talk about turning a monotonous meal into something luxurious with just a scoop of superfood-goodness!
MacroLife Cocoa for Kids:
The Claims: Multi vitamin and multi mineral formula, probiotics, fiber, alkalizing green goods.
Flavor: I ate all 15 servings in 5 days. That’s how good it tastes. Rich chocolate without being sugary or bitter. You can make the best chocolate milk of your life with MacroLife Cocoa and that’s not an exaggeration. Perfect in chia seed pudding, to bake with, make a chocolate mint smoothie, sprinkle on yogurt or mixed into your pancakes. Move over poisonous Flinstones Gummys, hello perfectly constructed sent from heaven coca mix to deliver everything your child needs to grow strong and healthy. Or, okay, everything I need too… because I’m hooked!
In Conclusion:
I can’t attest to the claims, other than say that while using their products I relished in the notion that I was giving my body a daily gift of vitamins, minerals and amino acid complex that it might not be receiving from my regular diet and lifestyle. For me, adding MacroLife is two fold. On the one hand, it is like insurance, giving me a piece of mind that I am fulfilling my dietary needs. On the other hand, I think of it as a bonus. That I’m doing something spectacular for my body and longevity, and this is what, above all, makes me their #1 fan.
My notion that this product was something different, a innovative approach to health and wellness if you will, was validated by my month of MacroLife Natural use. How often can you say you thoroughly enjoyed taking your vitamins? The products pack a punch and their delicious. My only criticism is that I wish they would combine their superfood powders with a plant based protein. If they can harness the flavor without losing the integrity of their product in a protein powder? They will undoubtedly they will take the nutrition world by storm.
Looking forward to a long and prosperous friendship with MacroLife, you’ll always have a home in my cabinet.
***Use promo code CHELSEA to receive 15% of any order at www.macrolifenaturals.com
[…] promo code CHELSEA to receive 15% of any order at http://www.macrolifenaturals.com. Check out my review HERE for […]