Hooray! I am about to embark on a South America vacation with only what I pack in my backpack to weigh me down. Wait. What. …
“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us”
Globe Trotting
Most Memorable Travel Moment
I was plopped right on the filthy floor of the airport. My cheeks were stained with tears, my hair was matted into a messy pony …
The BucketList, A Work in Progress
I used to revisit this page often when I was first starting out blogging. It has followed me from my original blogspot page, over to …
Yacht Week Wardrobe Essentials!
Admist packing for yacht week in Greece while sipping Sangria and listening to “Red red wine”, I’ve hit a fashion wall. While I do reside …
2 Must-Do Activities on your trip to Lisbon, Portugal!
If I leave you with only one piece of Portugal advice: You HAVE to see a Fado Show. There are dozens of over priced options in the …
Yacht Week Greece, Lessons Learned
Yacht Week Lessons Learned: Call your banks ahead of time and let them know you’ll be traveling abroad and not to deactivate your CCs Have …
Yacht Week Greece: What to Buy in Lavrio for Your Trip!
This post probably seems absurd to anyone who hasn’t been on yacht week. You must be thinking, how dumb does this chick think I am …