Let's Collaborate!

Want to sweat, sculpt, stretch and mediate with me? I teach yoga and pilates at Swerve Studio in Los Angeles. Drop by and take my class! Schedule here. If you’re interested in booking me for events or private lessons, please fill out the contact form below. And of course (it is Hollywood after all), I’ve got oodles of fitness modeling & hosting experience and always jump for on-camera opportunities!

Want to travel with me? What if I set up the entire soul-searching luxury adventure and all you have to do is show up and have the most enriching experience ever? I work with Willow & Blair to curate just these type of trips. My next one is Morocco in January and I’ve still got spots open! Read more here. If you’re interested in having me manifest a personalized trip for you or your company, please fill out the contact form below.

Have a product, hotel, restaurant, experience you want me to review? An affiliate program you’d like me to join? Perhaps you need a guest blogger or some copywriting done? Help with social media? A group giveaway? My ears are open! Just shoot me a message by filling out the contact form below and I’ll get back to you shortly to let you know if I think it’s a good fit.
Salutations! and thanks for stumbling upon my compilations of rants, raves, and self-epiphanies.
I consider myself a pretty multi-faceted chick, which the Traveling Fig appropriately depicts. So whether you’re here for a gluten free Nutella Babka Bread or to help plan your dream getaway to Cambodia (or what the hell to wear in the Hamptons or why I’m boycotting Whole Foods).. welcome.
I love to travel, eat, laugh, turn my spare bedroom into a craft room and find 101 uses for mason jars, you know, life’s little pleasures. I’m also pretty obsessed with fitness, health, and my dogs. I act and host, teach yoga, sell real estate and …you guessed it.. write, out of pure passion. And it just so happens that these ventures also pay my bills. There was a time, not too many moons ago, that I was chained to a desk M-F and addicted to venti lattes at Starbucks & updating my LinkedIn profile. Those days have passed. These ones I’m more about finding daily bliss and living organically. Somedays that means riding a camel through the Sahara desert, and sometimes that means hosting my annual pumpkin carving party.
And while each blog post might seem drastically different than the next, they’ve all got the same over-arching sentiment: Let’s live our very best lives, together.
The 411
A/S/L -If you’re too young to know what this means, then just know that I’m older than you. Same goes with the 411 reference. /female / Los Angeles stationed when I’m not globetrotting. A Boston girl at heart with plans on retiring in South of France….soon.
Favorite travel spot: Morocco and Vietnam were perhaps the most culturally eye-opening. Spain speaks to my soul though. Studying abroad in Granada, Spain will always be one of the best decisions I ever made. Although, that month I spent in Bali getting my yoga certification wasn’t all that bad either.
On the bucketlist: I’m itching to get to South Africa next. Curious about my full bucket list? Click here.
Favorite Song: anything Elvis
Okay, we’re getting off track. The point is, this website.. the idea of the Traveling Fig.. is my everything. It is my heart and soul poured into every single word, and I’m thrilled to share it with you. But Traveling Fig isn’t just a blog, it’s a community I encourage you to share your tips, photos and comments with us across all of our social media outlets (links at the bottom of this page).
….or maybe not. You can always just send me hate mail (or products to review, vacation packages, endorsement deals, precious rubies, etc) to the contact form below.
Thanks for stopping by. It means the world to me, seriously.
All My Love,