If you are looking to slim down then it is essential to start your morning with a nutritious breakfast. Yet it’s all to easy to overdose on sugar and carbs …even if you are trying to chose something healthy.  An average granola and yogurt parfait can pack 20+ grams of sugar, and your store bought smoothie might not be too far behind.  We know that we shouldn’t reach for the bagels and donuts… but who has time to make an omelette?  Problem solved with this quick and easy avocado egg bake.  Even better is that the presentation is quite impressive!

Cut an avocado in half and remove the pit. Deepen the hole with a spoon and crack an egg into the middle. Optional: top with cotija cheese.
Bake in the oven for 12 minutes at 350 degrees. Top with pepper and garlic. Serve with a side of salsa. Boom.
carb free, easy yet elegant and delicious.  These avocado egg bakes deliver a healthy dose of protein, MUFAS, minerals and vitamins – making them the perfect diet friendly way to start your day!

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